Meet the Tshusweka Family

“Put all your trust in God.”

After nearly a decade of heartache and separation, the moment finally arrived when Ernest, Nicole and their two sons could embrace once more in Cleveland, TN. For nine long years, Ernest maintained a connection with his family in the Congo through phone calls, despite the challenging six-hour time difference. Their unwavering faith and hope in the Lord sustained them, each day marked by the quiet ache of missing loved ones.

Now, having been reunited for five years, the family desperately needs a safe and stable home. They currently reside in a church-owned house that is poorly maintained and lacks the privacy they crave. Despite these challenges, they have built a life together. Ernest, who once worked for Life Bridges while waiting for his family’s arrival, has since retired and lost his eyesight. Nicole, now the family’s primary supporter, works at Flowers Bakery, pouring her heart into every shift.

Their two sons are carving out their own paths. David, 23, is a talented soccer player at Lee University, balancing his athletic pursuits with pre-med studies and dreams of becoming a dentist. As he enters his senior year, he is preparing for the next step—dental school. Crift, 19, recently graduated from Cleveland High School and is heading to Tennessee State University to study computer science.

Ernest’s determination and faith kept their family connected and hopeful for a brighter future. The family's journey is filled with joy and anticipation as they embark on the path to building their Habitat home together—a place that will finally provide them with the space and privacy they need.