Meet Felicia Ratledge

“This is a huge marking moment in my life. When I cut that ribbon, it’s going to be a big deal to me. I will always remember when the Lord made a way for this.”

Felicia's faith is her guiding light. It’s what fuels her strength. As a single mother, she’s faced more challenges than most, but she never wavers in her determination to create a better life for her children. Since recommitting her life to God in 2021, Felicia believes every step she takes is part of His plan, even when the path seems impossibly hard.

And hard doesn’t begin to describe it. Felicia works long hours at Whirlpool to provide for her family, but when the rent on their two-bedroom home doubled overnight, it was a major setback. Her already tight budget stretched to its limit. Her nineteen-year-old daughter, Anaya, pitched in to help, while her fourteen-year-old son, Marcell, had to sleep in a makeshift tent in their dining room because there simply wasn’t enough space. Through it all, Felicia held onto her dream of giving her children a stable home.

Her faith was tested, but Felicia remained strong. Then came a ray of hope. Her friend Keree, a Habitat homeowner, saw Felicia’s strength and shared her own story. She encouraged Felicia to apply for Habitat’s homeownership program.

Without hesitation, Felicia visited the office on her next day off. For her, this was more than an opportunity—it was an answered prayer.

When Felicia learned her application was moving forward, she was overwhelmed with emotion. “Thank you, Jesus,” she whispered, knowing this was the start of a new chapter for her family. A home would be more than shelter—it would be a place of love and peace, where her kids could finally have their own space and feel safe.

Felicia isn’t just building a house; she’s building a future, one filled with hope, faith, and community support. And we can’t wait to see her family’s dream come true.