Habitat for Humanity of Cleveland TN

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'Together women can build a home'


Habitat for Humanity of Cleveland celebrated Women Build Week the past seven days preparing for the construction of a home for a local mom and her children later this year.

The week was celebrated not only by the local Habitat for Humanity chapter, but also by Lowe’s, the major sponsor of the event in Cleveland and nationwide.

Together, the two organizations built the week on a foundation of strength, resilience and perseverance. International Women Build Week this year took place virtually in over 300 locations in the United States, Canada and India. The focus is to raise awareness of challenges women face in accessing safe, affordable housing.

Locally, several women who will be involved in the upcoming home build spoke of their desire to be involved in the construction of the home for Kayla Jackson and her four children.

“Kayla Jackson is a single mom. She has four children and, unfortunately, her daughter (NaShyah) is in a wheelchair,” explained Tammy Johnson, Habitat for Humanity of Cleveland executive director. “She was in an accident and has a disability. In the current apartment they live in, they have to carry her up and down the stairs, which makes it very difficult for them.

“She can’t play in their yard, so when we get finished with this home, she will be able to move about freely and grow in her home,” Johnson added.

Those who will be involved told why they are involved in the Women Build through the organization’s Facebook page.

“It’s not a hand out, it’s a hand up with a lot of hope attached,” said Habitat board member Patty Silverman. “We have a lot of women in our community who do not have a safe and secure home, and being a part of Women Build, I get to go out there and swing a hammer with nine other women and help other women in my community have a home that is brand new, safe and secure.”

Lisa Geren said it is rewarding not only to help Jackson into her new home, but to work with women who continue with their normal lives while also giving of their time to the project.

“I always say that women are great at taking care of their families,” she said. “They have husbands, they have children, they have households, and a lot of them work outside the home, so when it comes time to give back and build homes for those who need them, women come out, they come together and they make it happen.

“That’s why I like Women Build,” she continued.

“So we are putting Women Build together to celebrate women and their ability to not only learn how to build a home, but to build a home for other women who are going to make their community so much stronger,” said Mara Grisham. “Together women can build a home.”

And as she said when knowing the outcome of Women Build, “we know that when mother is happy, everybody is happy.”

Since 2008, the weeklong event has provided opportunities for women in construction and home improvement. This year, Habitat for Humanity of Cleveland has been awarded a $5,000 grant from Lowe's to help with the cost of the Women Build home.

Jackson said, “I do everything I can for my babies. I have one pair of shoes and my kids have everything.

“What this house means to us is beyond words. It’s a forever home for my daughter,” said the soon-to-be new home owner.

Kayla Jackson is an example of the countless single mothers striving to make a better life for themselves and their families. Habitat for Humanity and its affiliates have given a hand up, not a hand out to numerous women, thanks to its partnership with Lowe’s.

Local sponsors for Women Build 2021 currently include Bradley Sunrise Rotary, Community Foundation of Cleveland and Bradley County, Garden Plaza. Jill Culpepper, the Kearney Family, Laura Anderson, Patty Silverman, Lisa Mantooth and Pat Fuller.