Leaders Build helps plot firm foundation for Mulcahys
Posted Sunday, November 15, 2020 1:59 am
A weight was lifted off the Mulcahy family on Tuesday as they celebrated the completion of their new home in Victory Cove.
Habitat for Humanity of Cleveland held a dedication ceremony in honor of new Habitat homeowners, Kyle and Kelly Mulcahy and their children — Athena, Aurora and Amelia.
The Mulcahy home, which marks the 143rd home built in Bradley County, was a Leaders Build home. The dedication took place inside the Victory Cove Subdivision, 1236 Franitza Way S.W.
The Leaders Build allows local leaders in the community to donate $1,000, step outside the boardroom or office to swing a hammer and help a family get into a home.
Gov. Bill Lee and first lady Maria Lee recently served by helping construct part of the Mulcahy’s home.
New homeowner Kelly Mulcahy thanked her Creator for watching over her during trying times and for helping her and her loved ones bloom into the loving family that they are now.
“When I thought you weren’t there, you held me. You helped me grow and I grew in you,” she said. “When my home grew on the ground, you gave me a firm foundation just like you did for our family.”
The Mulcahys are working toward the common goals of most families, like paying off debts, staying debt free and owning their own home. The Mulcahy family is working to achieve these goals for their three daughters.
With only one income and the cost of raising three energetic daughters, it has been difficult for the Mulcahys to make ends meet. Until now, they have been living in what could be described as an overcrowded space, with one bedroom for their family of five. They have found it difficult to even imagine home ownership.
However, the Mulcahy family was given a large glimmer of hope when they heard about the Habitat’s program through Kyle’s cousin, who is a Habitat homeowner.
Kyle and Kelly have worked hard on their finances through the “Be Smart About Money” program and have also gained a lot of their “sweat equity” hours through helping to build their home and by working in the ReStore.
Kyle commented, “The Restore hours are great. It is a humbling feeling to know that you are not just helping yourself, but others as well.”
Executive Director Tammy Johnson remarked on the will and drive of the Mulcahys to provide a better home for their children.
“They worked really hard and we’re excited to hand the keys over to them today,” Johnson said.
Sponsors for the Leaders Build include: Andy Anderson, Athens Federal Foundation, Keith and Cathy Barrett, Bradley Veterinary Hospital, Buddy's bar-b-q, Cleveland/Bradley Chamber Foundation, Thomas M. Collins, Community Foundation of Cleveland and Bradley County, First Cumberland Presbyterian Church, First Horizon Bank, Father Mike Nolan, Habitat Family Fundraiser, Habitat for Humanity International, Insurance Inc., Keystone Solutions, Law Offices of Andrew B. Morgan, Lee University, Logan-Thompson, P.C., MCA, Jeff and Kathy Morelock, Dr. Walter and Barbara Peterson, Pinnacle Financial Partners, Jared Powers, Regions Bank, Representative Dan Howell, Senator Mike Bell and Wedgewood Accounting, PLLC.Habitat for Humanity of Cleveland seeks to put God’s love into action by bringing people together to build and repair homes, communities and hope. For more information about Habitat for Humanity of Cleveland and the ReStore, visit habitatofcleveland.org or restoreofcleveland.org.