Habitat dedicates 138th Bradley County home

Habitat dedicates 138th Bradley County home

WITH A SNIP of the scissors, Victor Headrick, center, and family become homeowners at the Habitat for Humanity of Cleveland's Home dedication Thursday evening. With Headrick are Tammy Johnson, Habitat executive director, left, and son and daughter, Ethan Headrick and Victoria Ellison, right, and a host of other Habitat support members and sponsors.


VECustomers Share Awards $5,250 in local grants

VECustomers Share Awards $5,250 in local grants

VECustomers Share Board Member Dana Burgner presented a grant check to Karen Cross from New Life Community Kitchen. Grant funds will provide a hot lunch five days a week and will also provide food bags that do not require refrigeration or cooking for the homeless and street people.

Contributed Photo

Legacy Builders

Legacy Builders

THE WORKERS of the Habitat Legacy Build pump their fists in the air as they prepare to get down to working on this year's home. From left in front are: Anson Christian, Terry McCoy, Hazel Spain, Kurt Schubert and Jack Hedges. From left in back are: Danny Britt, Jerry Franitza, Alan Goslen, Chuck Haney, Dave Flower, Jim Veenstra and Ed McCartney.

Banner photo, Daniel Guy