Habitat Helping Bradley County Residents To "Be Smart About Money"

by Brenda Palmisano Habitat’s Be Smart About Money program recently launched and provides a 10-session experience centered around the management of personal finances, teaching the program participants how to decrease their debt, improve their credit scores, and build up their savings. In order to qualify for the program, residents of Bradley County must fall into the 60% area median income or below, pay a $25 participant fee and open a savings account with a partner bank.

Be Smart About Money Program Manager, Amanda Gouveia, believes this program will have a great impact on class attendees.  “By participating in this class, Bradley County residents will have a better understanding of the importance of good financial management and they will have the opportunity to pay down a significant portion of debt.”

As an additional incentive to complete the program, participants who show proof of their financial savings over 12 months will have their savings matched up to $1,000. This money can be used one of three ways: toward a down payment for a house, to pay off debt, or to pay tuition for education. To find out more about the program, visit: habitatofcleveland.org/smartaboutmoney

This program is sponsored by United Way of Bradley County and Atlantic Capital Bank.