Tami Croft wins $2,500 for Habitat for Humanity of Cleveland in AARP Dream Builders video contest

Tami Croft, a Habitat for Humanity of Cleveland homeowner and volunteer, received $2,500.00 for Habitat for Humanity of Cleveland from AARP through their Dream Builders contest. Croft entered a video into the Dream Builders contest hosted on the AARP website and described her dream volunteer project with Habitat for Humanity. The Dream Builders contest is described by AARP as a way to build “on Dr. Martin Luther King Jr’s ‘I have a dream’ message as well as AARP’s commitment to livable communities and service”. Contestants were encouraged to enter a one minute video detailing a project at their favorite non-profit.

Croft chose two Women Build homes being built by Habitat for Humanity of Cleveland, community sponsors and volunteers as her Dream Builders project. “I can’t swing a hammer anymore so I am trying to raise funds to build these two homes” explained Croft in her submission video, “I know what a huge blessing these homes are to these families”.

Fifteen videos from organizations across the country were entered into the Dream Builders contest. Croft’s Habitat of Cleveland video was chosen as one of twelve finalists. After sharing her video on social media and rallying support around the Women Build cause, she was able to gain the most votes online, become the national winner and receive the grand prize of $2,500 for Habitat of Cleveland.

Founded in 1958, AARP seeks to change the way America defines aging by focusing on its founding principles of promoting independence, dignity and purpose for older persons, to enhance the quality of life for older persons and to encourage older people to serve and not be served.

Through the support of local businesses and community volunteers, Habitat for Humanity is helping pave the way to a better future for families of Bradley County. The Women Build initiative furthers the efforts to unite Habitat for Humanity with local women to raise money and build homes for two families: Sheila Bell and her granddaughters as well as Jose and Rhina Basora and their two sons. These two families will work alongside volunteers to build their own homes, while also completing classes about homeownership and finances to prepare them for the future.

Habitat for Humanity of Cleveland seeks to put God’s love into action while bringing people together to build and repair homes, communities and hope.

[video width="640" height="360" m4v="http://habitatofcleveland.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/Habitatofcleveland-Dream-Builders.m4v"][/video]